Staying Healthy During These Winter Months
I find that staying healthy during these winter months to be the hardest for most people. While spending time with many friends and family members we quite often find ourselves overindulging during the holidays. This can lead to increased stress, a weakened immune system and even cause further problems with our digestive system.
During the winter months the hardest thing for most people (including me) is staying properly HYDRATED. You might remember my earlier post where I focused on hydration. I talk about which water is best for you and whether or not you are drinking enough. Its fairly easy to maintain hydration during the summer months, but it is much more difficult during these winter months. We are put to the true test of keeping our bodies properly hydrated in colder weather. A good rule of thumb is to start out your day with 24 ounces of water along with a a healthy, balanced meal loaded with all your nutrients for the day. I know what you’re thinking who has time for that? Well look no further than my wellness post Crucial Four mBreakfast Shake for information on the shake I drink every morning (yes even when I travel). mBreakfast aids and assists you throughout your day, helping you feel your best! And for all of my SSS followers you will also receive a 15% off discount when you use the code “squad15” to purchase your mbreakfast shake.
The next suggestion would be adequate D3 intake or another words getting proper SUNLIGHT. This is very easy for most to do in the summer months but not so much in the freezing cold winter months. Not to mention that the sunlight in the winter is still not sufficient enough to stimulate the production of vitamin D in our skin. That is why I always supplement in the winter months with mVita D3 from crucial four as well. I personally use this product year round but it is especially important this time of year. Vitamin D is necessary for our bodies metabolic health because it works as a hormone with major organs like our heart, kidneys, skin, and muscles. Its three major functions help us to absorb, transport, and metabolize essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc) that perform vital functions for our bones. Vitamin D promotes proper cell development and also helps regulate the immune system.
Next you must be willing and ready to help support your immune response with VITAMIN C and CHAGA. And by this I don’t mean the synthetic form of Vitamin C packets you pick up at your local grocery store. I take a daily dose of mDefense by crucial four that is made from the fruit camu camu. This source of vitamin C is one of the highest concentrated food sources of vitamin C out there. It’s ability to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, detox the body and prevent cognitive disorders are just some of the many benefits this fruit has to offer. To take a step even further on building up your immune system I suggest trying mImmune which is made from chaga, also known as the mushroom of immortality! Chaga is usually found on birch trees, it is there to aid the tree and its longevity. Some of these trees live as long as 10,000 years. People benefit from chaga in the same way the trees do, to help your body fight the effects of stress, disease, and even fight against premature aging and prevention of serious diseases. By taking the mImmune daily you too can experience the health benefits of wild chaga. This is the same plant responsible for the exceptional health and longevity of the Siberian tribes-people.
Lastly, we must continue to EXERCISE during these cold winter months and not just curl up and binge watch Netflix series after series. When our body is in a stagnant state our adrenals become fatigued, which leads to the cravings of bad foods like heavy carbohydrates and sweets. Yes it makes it more difficult to just go outside and take a walk or jog because of the cold weather in the winter. But there are local gyms you can join for group classes or private training and you can even invest in some resistance bands to use at home as well. Winter is a time to store good traditional, nutrient dense foods like bone broth, root vegetables, and high protein. Keeping the body active and storing these suggested foods in the body during the winter, will help prevent the body from getting weak and ill.
I hope you have enjoyed learning how I combat stress and support my immune and digestive system during the winter months with Crucial Four. And for all of you wondering NO this is NOT a sponsored post. I am just sharing with you how my family and I are on the right path to good health. More wellness tips as always coming soon.
be the best YOU can be.

I’m wearing my favorite line of t-shirts called Nation, Ltd. It’s the Evan Twist Back Tee, the strappy back Free People Bra, the Pamela Love Five Spike Earring (that is my go-to when I am wanting a small but cool earring), a very flattering Black Bootleg Flare Workout Pants, and the always comfy after a workout black Havaianas flip flops.
Photos by SoThenTheySay
P.S. Many thanks to Melinda Chanhnouvong for helping out with this post.
Jacky Lee Manning
October 26, 2016 at 1:49 amLove that black and white look ?
Tiffany Davros
October 26, 2016 at 1:41 pmthanks so much jacky~can’t ever go wrong with that, right? 😉