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self portrait peplum blouse

Fashion The Street Edit

Velvet Pants With Statement Top + $1000 Nordstrom Giveaway

Velvet Pants With Statement Top + $1000 Nordstrom Giveaway

What is the hottest trend for this year’s festive holiday season? That’s easy it would be the dress pant paired with a new and updated statement top. Of course classic dresses will always be popular and in style. But let’s update that ‘typical holiday dress attire’ and try out something new: a fabulous pair of trousers and have your top be the center of the attention. In this latest edition of the ‘Street Edit’ with my good friend Heather Anderson, of So Heather and fellow Dallas Fashion Blogger we both chose to highlight velvet pants with separate silk blouses. I hope you enjoy learning more about my velvet pants with statement top + $1000 Nordstrom giveaway below…

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Now…it’s time for a fabulous giveaway! I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to give YOU a chance to win: a $1000 Nordstrom Gift Card, just in time for the holidays!

Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter. You’ll receive one entry per completion. This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 12/5. Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!

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Ruffles For The Win

Ruffles For The Win

I had already started my post on this absolutely stunning, romantic, flounced peplum blouse by Self-Portrait when I read the latest headline in my inbox the other day. The article stated, “the one trend everyone will be wearing this spring”.

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