


Keep reading for all of my Intentions, Wellness and Workout Tips for a Better You + My 15 Favorite Beauty Things Too! And I’m also sharing how I combat stress and support my immune and digestive system during the winter months. What’s your Vision for 2020? What actually even is an Intention?

Deepak Chopra said, “Intentions are the starting point of every dream—the seed of creation.” Or a statement or declaration of what you both desire and consciously intend to be, learn, do, have, feel or experience in a coming period of time, like the coming year. Keep reading for one of my most inspiring and informational post’s to date…

Shop Some Of My Wellness & Beauty Favorites:

Intentions, Wellness & Workout Tips for 2020:

  • I will do my best to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night and 10,000 steps a day, to feel energized and ready to conquer each day! And if I don’t I won’t be upset about it, but I’ll be ready to start all over again the next day
  • I will give myself the grace to say no to commitments that make me feel trapped or burdened
  • Try to set time aside to see friends I love and who love me at least once a week
  • Practice always using my words in the direction of love and light
  • I will look for opportunities to collaborate with wonderful people
  • I will speak up for myself and ask for what I need and say what I mean with love, freely and easily with wise conscious intentions
  • I will practice using my words to speak life into mine and my loved ones dreams
  • I will try to eat less or no meat and more fish, fruits and veggies
  • I will try to read more
  • Try to say ‘yes’ more to things that scare me but would be good for me
  • Try to listen more than I talk, but always forgive yourself when I don’t and try again the next day
  • I will try to move at a much slower pace this year and just simply enjoy the present more, plus focus more on “looking up” and around me not down

*Tips to help get 7-8 hours of sleep: keep room at 67 degrees, have your phone turn to dark mode at sunset + turn your brightness down on your computer and phone, try to go to bed at the same time each night and no caffeine after 3pm.

+ Incorporate more plant-based foods in my diet and less meat. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber plus work to keep your immune system strong. One way I’ve been doing this is by adding the Sakara At Home Plant-Rich Ready-To-Eat Meals to my Diet.

You can use my Personal Discount CODE: ‘XOSSS’ – to receive 20% off the SAKARA SITE! 


Ninety20 EMS Training:

Speaking of working out I’d like to discuss now a new workout I’ve been trying lately trying called Ninety20. Why is it called Ninety20? Because it’s a 20 minute EMS (Electro Muscular Stimulation) workout that equates to a 90 minute high-intensity gym class or personal training session. EMS training is a highly effective and safe method to improve your physical performance. And these workouts can easily be added along with your existing workout routine. Only one class a week is recommended.

The Benefits of EMS Training:

  1. This cardio workout can increase your metabolism to burn an additional 500 calories.
  2. These workouts engage up to 98% of your muscles compared to 60% in the gym.
  3. No weights are required ensuring minimal impact on shoulders, back and knees. But can be added for more difficulty.
  4. Noticeable results can be seen after only 4 sessions or less depending on your lifestyle.
  5. Can both increase muscle mass and decrease body fat at the same time. Depending on your goal, you can either gain muscle size to appear stronger or reduce your overall size to achieve a more toned look.
  6. While increasing your metabolism significantly at the same time it increases skin tightness. Because a higher metabolism promotes fat loss and can therefore reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the overall look of your skin.
  7. EMS can be used for injury recovery & rehabilitation while done in conjunction with physical therapy.

Book Your Trial Ninety20 Session:

Use the Online Booking Calendar or download the Ninety20 App and create an account which takes less than one minute and book your trial session directly online. If you don’t have the time to create an account now, then just fill in out Contact Form Here.

First EMS Session:

You can do either a private or a partner session. Your first, trial session costs $20 and takes around 40 to 60 minutes. It consists of an initial consultation where the trainer will discuss your lifestyle, goals and potential injuries followed by a customized 20 minute EMS workout. I do the partner session with my one of my daughters or one of my girlfriends.

You don’t need to bring any special clothing. They’ll provide you with everything you need, including refreshment towels and bottled water. Some people choose to wear sneakers and some just go barefoot. *And update they now have brand new wireless suits, so no more cords like above!

My Exercise Routine:

Since I only do Nintey20 once a week I also do a mixture of personal training with John Benton (find out more information on his type of exercises here and here). And I must say my hips are slimmer and my legs and abs are more toned since I began working out with him over 3 years ago! And even if you don’t live in Dallas you can still do his workouts online from anywhere. I also do Pilates Megaformer Classes at Studio6 (my favorite is Buns & Guns see what it looks like here) & Extreme Studio Performance personal training with my daughters too. And lastly, a variety of classes at Equinox.

Crucial Four Products I Use Daily:

During the winter months the hardest thing for most people (including me) is staying properly HYDRATED & healthy. You might remember my earlier post where I focused on hydration. I talk about which water is best for you and whether or not you are drinking enough. Its fairly easy to maintain hydration during the summer months, but it is much more difficult during these winter months.

We are put to the true test of keeping our bodies properly hydrated in colder weather. A good rule of thumb is to start out your day with 24 ounces of water along with a healthy, balanced meal loaded with all your nutrients for the day. I know what you’re thinking who has time for that? Well look no further than my Crucial Four mBreakfast shake.

Keep reading for tips and suggestions on what I do to stay healthy…

1. mBreakfast Shake:

mBreakfast shake has been a part of my daily morning routine for 7 years+ (even when I’m traveling). I believe that it has truly changed my life. I have more energy, sleep better, have less stress, and there is no doubt that it has positively affected my overall quality of life.

mBreakfast was formulated to contain what we Americans are missing from our diets. The shakes are 100% organic and contain wild sourced algae, biotic extracts, superior herbs, and medicinal mushrooms. These four missing food groups help us move toward a more active metabolic state, which then creates optimal health and wellness. They contain no artificial ingredients, fillers, flow agents, or byproducts. mBreakfast is 100% food and has a shelf life of up to six months. It is organic mind-body fuel for clean, efficient, and sustained energy. Energy, stress relief, immunity, and performance are critical for everyday life. I like to make sure that I’m starting my day off fresh with the best choices possible. And most importantly with enough energy for my morning workout and for the rest of my day.

For my followers Crucial Four is offering  free samples of mbreakfast to try here!

What I add to my mbreakfast shake each morning: cashew or almond milk, mcollagen, tablespoon of organic coconut oil and ice (sometimes I add a little more protein as well to my shake the Dr. Mercola Vegan Protein in VanillaSweet Cinnamon & sometimes Chocolate). When traveling I simply just add water. I blend my shake in this blender that comes with it’s own cups for easy travel afterwards also. And best of all because of it’s small size I even travel with it as well!

2. mCollagen:

As we age we produce less and less collagen, with mCollagen (for those of you who don’t eat meat I love this Marine Collagen or here is another this collagen) we can get the amount of these peptides we all require. I add this to my mbreakfast shake every morning.

What makes Crucial Four’s mCollagen Different? Crucial Four uses only grass-fed collagen peptides. What are the benefits? Collagen peptides can help support: leaky gut syndrome, nourish your skin, hair, joints, and teeth, support metabolism and detoxification, reduces aging and can help you enter deeper sleep.

3. mCBD+ Organic Superherb Chocolate Bar:

I have found that this mCBD+ Organic Superherb Chocolate Bar handcrafted artesian vegan cacao bar helps me sleep at night. The Cacao is wild high mountain grown and infused with 600mg (therapeutic dosage) of our Solvent-free 4:1 Wild Ashwagandha extract with 10mg of our organic Full Spectrum CBD oil. Blue zone Sun-dried Cane Crystals are used and a touch of coconut nectar with Icelandic sea salt to create an 80% Dark Chocolate bar that tastes amazing! Each bar has only 2 grams of sugar per serving with three servings per bar.

My daughter also takes this for her tremors (as she did not like how the medicine made her feel that a doctor had prescribed). And this has been doing wonders for her. I also have several friends that take this or the mCBD+ 300mg Organic CBD Oil + American Ginseng to help with them with hormones and as a sleep aid each night as well.

4. mVita D3:

During these winter months adequate D3 intake or another words getting proper SUNLIGHT is a must! This is very easy for most to do in the summer months but not so much in the freezing cold winter months. Not to mention that the sunlight in the winter is still not sufficient enough to stimulate the production of vitamin D in our skin. That is why I always supplement in the winter months with mVita D3 (& found here too)from crucial four as well. I personally use this product year round but it is especially important this time of year.

Vitamin D is necessary for our bodies metabolic health because it works as a hormone with major organs like our heart, kidneys, skin, and muscles. Its three major functions help us to absorb, transport, and metabolize essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc) that perform vital functions for our bones. Vitamin D promotes proper cell development and also helps regulate the immune system.

5. mDefense:

I also take I take a daily dose of mDefense by crucial four that is made from the fruit camu camu. You must be willing and ready to help support your immune response with VITAMIN C and CHAGA. And by this I don’t mean the synthetic form of Vitamin C packets you pick up at your local grocery store. This source of vitamin C is one of the highest concentrated food sources of vitamin C out there. It’s ability to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, detox the body and prevent cognitive disorders are just some of the many benefits this fruit has to offer.

6. mImmune:

To build up your immune system even further I suggest trying mImmune which is made from chaga, also known as the mushroom of immortality! Chaga is usually found on birch trees, it is there to aid the tree and its longevity. Some of these trees live as long as 10,000 years. People benefit from chaga in the same way the trees do, to help your body fight the effects of stress, disease, and even fight against premature aging and prevention of serious diseases. By taking the mImmune daily you too can experience the health benefits of wild chaga. This is the same plant responsible for the exceptional health and longevity of the Siberian tribes-people.

For my followers use this code for your New Year’s Discount at checkout on all Crucial Four Products: ‘Renew2020’! 

Lastly, we must continue to EXERCISE during these cold winter months and not just curl up and binge watch Netflix series after series. When our body is in a stagnant state our adrenals become fatigued, which leads to the cravings of bad foods like heavy carbohydrates and sweets. Yes it makes it more difficult to just go outside and take a walk or jog because of the cold weather in the winter. But there are local gyms you can join for group classes or private training and you can even invest in some resistance bands to use at home as well.

Formula Wellness:

You might remember me telling you about Formula Wellness Center (for those of you that live in or around the Dallas area) where I go for help with my health and wellness. And great news they have a second location in Ft. Worth, plus now a third location is open West Village as well. For those of you that want to jump start your health and fitness for 2020 you should definitely check them out here and here!

It’s truly been a game changer. I discovered through an allergy test at Formula Wellness that two things I was eating and putting into my body pretty much every single day (almonds and eggs) I was severely allergic to. I did not eat these two things plus several other things I found out I was allergic to for a year. Then I started to reintroduce them slowly back into my diet.

Dr. Rudman also helps me keep my thyroid function in order as well all my hormone levels. And he does all of my blood work as well every few months. I am feeling so much better now its just unbelievable. Plus losing some weight but gaining muscle is an added bonus! Their Weight Loss Programs they will tailor to your unique needs and goals, resulting in more sustainable weight loss. From Supplements to Vitamin Infusions to Fit Shots to Hormone Replacement Therapy Dr. Rudman & Chrissy absolutely cover it all.

EnlightenMD Med Spa:

I also wanted to talk a little bit about Enlighten MD Med Spa. You might remember seeing me visit there a few months back for Ultherapy. I’ve been so happy with it so far and I’m even going to be going back for my ‘booster’ in a couple weeks as well. So I wanted to make sure I mentioned them here but much more information will be coming. What’s Ultherapy? A non-invasive skin tightening treatment (that I did on my neck and lower face). Find out more HERE.

Plus I’m also doing Photofacial on my chest in a couple of weeks. What’s a Photofacial? That improves and rejuvenates your skin from all the harmful affects of the sun. And we know I love going to the beach. Find out more about it HERE.

Some other things I’m thinking about doing but haven’t yet are: Permanent Brow Makeup, Laser Hair Removal, and some of their amazing facials. Plus I have so many friends that go here for their Botox & Fillers as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar Every Morning:

I try to eat well, exercise, and drink lots of water throughout the day. And every morning I start my day by drinking hot water with lemon, cayenne and apple cider vinegar. I believe this is no doubt one of the best beauty elixir’s out there. Plus I recently found this apple cider version recently that has all those ingredients already mixed together as well as with honey too that helps with bitterness.

“Amazing is one word to describe apple cider vinegar, which indeed appears to be a superfood of epic proportions, containing acetic acid (a promoter of “good” and killer of “bad” bacteria in the gut), probiotics, polyphenols, potassium, and magnesium, along with all manner of beneficial enzymes.

The health claims around it (and by “it” I’m referring to raw organic apple cider vinegar with “mother”—the often cloudy-looking beneficial compounds included), range from support for blood sugar balance, weight loss, and lowered blood pressure, to antifungal and antibacterial benefits, balanced vaginal pH, increased energy, clearer skin, and appetite suppression—to name a few.” So if you aren’t already drinking it then I suggest you start tomorrow!

Plus my daughter and I are totally obsessed with drinking these too!

Winter is a time to store good traditional, nutrient dense foods like bone broth, root vegetables, and high protein. Keeping the body active and storing these suggested foods in the body during the winter, will help prevent the body from getting weak and ill.

Complete Probiotics for Women Capsules:

These Complete Probiotics for Women Capsules are my go-to. They promote optimal growth of healthy bacteria and provide support for your immune health. And of course they are GMO Free, Gluten Free, and Soy Free. Plus 10 different probiotic strains that demonstrate high potency through independent laboratory tests. But most importantly it supports also the health of the vaginal microbiome and immune system. All of his products are backed by a full 90-day money back guarantee too. 


My Beauty Favorite Things:

  1. Sakara Detox Water Drops (drops found heredrops also found here) use my Personal Discount CODE: ‘XOSSS’ – to receive 20% off the SAKARA SITE! Transform your water into your daily toxin defense with antioxidant-rich chlorophyll drops. Benefits are optimal digestion, gut health, hormone regulation, energy, weight and skin clarity, immunity and liver function (and we all could use a boost to our livers after the holidays).
  2. The Best Eye Lash Lengthening Serum: at the BEST PRICE…it’s literally <$35 that I have ever used (and I’ve used ALL the expensive ones)!! I first learned about it at my dermatologist’s office but found it HERE for much less. I also put it on my brows as well.
  3. The Best Lengthening Mascara you WILL EVER USE (also found here & here as well): and you can even buy it in a travel size as well. I got a sample of the Perversion mascara from Urban Decay. And honestly have been using it ever since. It is the best mascara I have ever used! I have used Dior, Chanel, Benefit They’re Real, Too Faced Better Than Sex, you name it and this is so much better! For the longest, fullest, blackest lashes get this mascara. It is completely build-able, I always put on coat after coat and never clumps.
  4. GloPRO Microneedling Regeneration Tool (also found here & found here too) a tool that works from the inside out by triggering skin’s natural healing process and inducing micro-regeneration deep within the skin. It works by creating new collagen and restoring skin’s volume.
  5. The Best Tan Oil (also found here & here as well) I’ve ever used: I use the medium/dark color but it also comes in light/medium as well. I also got a sample of this tan oil and have been using it ever since. What makes it different from all the rest is that you can just add a few drops to your usual body oil, cream or lotion and you’re ready to go. Plus it’s packed with skin boosting Raspberry Seed Oil and Vitamin E, and Cellutone Complex. Your skin will appear firmer, toned and tanned with No streaks and No smells!
  6. The Best Bronzing Powder Duo (also found herehere as well & this bronzer for less is my runner up) on the market! It comes in two shades 1 or 2. I personally wear shade 1. It has two different tones and textures and huge BONUS…it comes with a Fab Brush that has a hidden compartment inside as well (so no need to pack a brush in your handbag when on the go)!  bathe skin in sun-kissed radiance. The Terracotta color creates a beautiful, natural-looking complexion while the focus powder has a shine/pearlescence that evenly disperses across your skin. Your skin will look flawless and translucent you’ll just love it!
  7. This Miracle No Makeup Foundation (also found here & here as well) has does wonders for my girls skin to help keep those teenage hormones in check from breakouts. It’s oil-free, mineral oil-free, talc-free, cruelty-free. Daisy flower extract visibly improves dark spots/blemishes for visibly smoother skin and more even-toned skin over time. Plus Neuropeptides help fight wrinkles. It’s so great for acne prone skin as it contains Alpha Lipoic Acid to clean out pores and also tighten pore size.
  8. This Organic Cult following Serum (also found here, and here as well) is amazing and won’t break you out. This lightweight face serum has an award-winning and the formula consists of over 22 organic botanicals mixed with powerful essential oils. That work in synergy to firm, clear and add radiance to your skin. It deeply penetrates the epidermis to battle signs of radical damage and maintain elasticity and brightness, as well as stimulate cell turnover for a smooth, even and balanced complexion. I’m sold and am on my 3rd bottle now.
  9. Simply swipe on this Liquid Shine Lipstick (also found here & here as well) and go no need for gloss or anything else plus it stays on so well! I have so many friends that have asked me about and bought THIS universal color while we were on a gno. Plus I also own and love THIS color for a more dramatic, colorful look.
  10. My favorite hair tool (this one too & also this one that’s on sale) for THE perfect beachy curls! The ceramic surface glides across to create a frizz-free shiny finish that lasts. Digital SinglePass technology adjusts temperature for consistent, healthy results and one-pass styling.
  11. This Curl Shaping Mousse (also found here & here too) is a game changer! Will not give you crunchy curls and a little bit goes a long way. It will provides hold, shine, and body. Plus it will keep your curls fresh and bouncy until at least day three of not washing your hair. I also do use a hair oil before I this mousse because I have dry hair.
  12. The Only Face Sunscreen that actually works (also found here & here as well) at the beach or for long outdoor activities. The reason it works is because it is tinted and combines the functionality of a primer/foundation with the anti-aging benefits of a serum to protect, correct and smooth skin. I mostly use the light/medium color but when I’m darker I can use the the medium color as well.
  13. The Only Body Sunscreen (also found here & here as well) that covers well enough and works to block the sun on my chest, neck and hands. It’s highly effective, broad spectrum SPF 50+ provides protection from UV rays and is enhanced with water or sweat. The “WetForce” technology provides the skin a protective layer that becomes stronger as it comes into contact with water or perspiration. So The more you sweat or enjoy water activities, the stronger the shield’s function gets.
  14. The Most Nourishing Facial Exfoliator (also found here & here as well) made with brown sugar and strawberry seeds that refines and hydrates for a more radiant complexion that I use almost daily! Looking for an exfoliator that isn’t harsh or drying? This is it! The brown sugar crystals and strawberry seeds remove rough patches and dissolve in the nourishing oils, leaving your skin velvety soft and smooth long after you wash it off. Plus it smells good enough to eat.
  15. The Best Eye Shadow Palette (also found here & here as well) that I even use on my brows! These color-coded shadow palettes are so simple to use, even if you have no idea where to start with eye makeup. You simply can’t go wrong, but just watch this video for a ‘how to’.

Just shoot me an email (tiffany@streetstylesquad.com) or leave a comment below if you have any questions regarding my Wellness, Workout & Beauty Tips + Intensions for 2020. And be sure to check out this previous wellness post for more information and wellness tips of mine.

And remember Just be the best YOU can be! I’m so thankful for each and every one of you supporting me and Street Style Squad. I just wanted to take this time to say thank you so very much and make it a Happy & Healthy 2020!






Shop Some Of My Wellness & Beauty Favorites:






Tiffany Davros

Published by
Tiffany Davros

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